The Lord bless and keep you. The Lord make His face to shine upon you. The Lord be gracious unto you, and give you peace.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Broken Arms

Taylor, Jack, Audrey & Sonya have each broken their arm. Audrey broke hers last June by falling off a fence & Sonya, by falling out of a play wagon. Taylor broke her arm on Wednesday when she was running around in the grass and Jack broke his the following day by falling off the monkey bars!

This happened before I got my camera so this is about as good
as it gets for a picture of Audrey with her broken arm.
Built-in swords!
They don't seem too serious about it;)


  1. Enjoyed all the pictures and the hot tub fun. Sorry about the broken wrists and hope they are healing fast. Taylor and Jack can arm wrestle pretty soon? Love, Grandma

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